Submission Information


Follow this blog or ShadowSpinners Press FB page in order to stay tuned for possible open submission dates.

Labyrinth of Souls novels must contain the idea of an underworld labyrinth. The form of the labyrinth and the nature of the underworld are left to the fevered imagination of the author.  Word count is between 35,000 – 45,000.  Most stories will lean toward dark fantasy but science fiction, horror, psychological thriller, Noir, mystery, etc. will be considered.  If you are in doubt, feel free to submit a synopsis along with your card request.

The cover art will use the image of your card, therefore it should it some way reflect the theme, setting or character of your story.  Author will own the copyright of their work but Matthew Lowes retains all rights to the cover and card art.  Author may use the artwork only for promotion of their Labyrinth of Souls book.

Our release schedule is currently filled through 2017.


Pick a card, any card.  Except for these:


The Lich


The World

The Devil

Claimed Cards:

Wheel of Fortune

The Tower


Holy Mountain

The High Priestess

The Inner Desert

The Ace of Cups

The Fool

The Moon

King of Coins

The Sun

Queen of Wands

Holy Water

For more information about the Dungeon Solitaire game and to view the cards, visit

Once you claim a card, it will be listed as unavailable. We’ll work together on a submission schedule.  If you do not meet your submission deadline, the card will revert to available.

Your submission will be read by the Editorial Review committee.  You’ll receive comments and suggestions from each reviewer in both written form and in an oral roundtable critique when possible. You’ll then be given a short period to incorporate any changes before your novel is plugged into the Great Publication Machine.  Occasionally another review will be required before a contract is issued. In the unlikely case that the review committee feels your novel does not meet our requirements, you’ll be given the option to rewrite and resubmit if you wish to do so.

The Basics:

*Please submit in RTF or Doc, DocX format to  12pt Standard Font, double spaced. You know the drill.

*Selection of a card and assignment of a submission date in no way constitutes a contract for publication.  While we fully expect to love your novel, there is a small chance it might not meet the requirements of ShadowSpinners Press.  The story is yours to rewrite and resubmit, or market elsewhere, but without the use of the artwork or the name: Labyrinth of Souls

*When your novel is accepted, you will receive a contract from ShadowSpinners Press.  ShadowSpinners Press will purchase exclusive print and ebook rights to the work for a period of five years with renewal option.  Author will receive 60% of net sales.